Sunday, 2 October 2016

7.3 Engage with the parents/carers

Understand strategies for working effectively, sensitively and confidentially with parents/carers.

Evidence provided for standard 7.3
    1. Introduction to Parents/Carers
    2. Incidental Parent Contact
    3. Blogs for Communication

To start off the year I wrote an introduction letter to the parents/carers of the students. This letter is a method of engaging parents/carers in their child's education and to also create a welcoming environment for them within the classroom. It is also used to promote a positive relationship between myself and the parents/carers of the class. 

Journal entry - Friday, Term 2 Week 2

Journal entry - Friday, Term 2 Week 4 

Journal entry - Saturday, Term 2 Week 7

The parents of the class on my final practicum were not heavily involved within the classroom. However, opportunities presented themselves to become acquainted with parents throughout the practicum. As is evident through the journal entries present, a parent of a student who struggled with their behaviour collected their child from the classroom once or twice a week and always enquired about their behaviour. I often interacted with this parent and gave feedback on their child's behaviour. The final entry is a reflection from an excursion of three 6/7 classes to Adelaide for HASS. On this excursion, I continued to foster positive relationships with other students parents and work with them in group work with the students due to none of the parents of my class attending.

Classroom Blog

In the topic Numeracy and ICT Across the Curriculum (EDUC3625) we were tasked with creating a blog about cyber safety for parents/carers. This blog was utilised as a tool in order to engage parents/carers with the students current learning and to connect with parents/carers about methods and tactics they can employ in their own homes in order to keep their children safe on the internet. This assignment highlighted the value of blogs for communication as you can keep parents updated throughout the school day, remind and highlight important notices, as well as give links to sources and resources. This is also a valuable tool in student-parent communication as they can post themselves about their learning. I plan on continuing to utilise this blog in the future in my own classrooms.
This blog also supports AITSL standar 4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically.

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