Monday, 3 October 2016

2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning opportunities for students.

Evidence provided for standard 2.6

    1. Padlet
    2. Studyladder
    3. Improve
    4. Scootle Pathways
Predicting the chance of rain
Padlet is an online bulletin/poster board that users can add "post-it" notes to in response to a question. This ICT strategy expands students learning opportunities as they are not required to identify themselves when posting, resulting in students having a little less fear and self-consciousness when discussing topics that can be challenging or new. I have previously utilised Padlet when learning about weather including temperature predictions, temperature around the world, and activities you could participate in Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring.

StudyLadder is a website designed to support student learning through a variety of activities and games. This ICT tool allowed me to preset miniature classes and "pods" to differentiate student learning based on the readiness of the student. This tool became a positive for a student with an NEP who felt left out when he couldn't do what the other students were doing, even though he was doing different activities the website made him feel included within the classroom. This warmth from the student enabled him to become further engaged with his curriculum and grow more as a student.

Improve is  website that compiles a multitude of tests. This in itself is not necessarily a tool for expanding growth, however when it was used for the week prior to NAPLAN consistently by all class members both year 6 and 7 the students became comfortable with test taking. This confidence that came with practising the tests resulted in the students trying different methods with their learning within the classroom as well. Similarly to StudyLadder, the tests were set by the teacher and the students were placed in "classes" to aid them. 

Scootle Pathways extends and expands learning opportunities for students as it allows the learning design to be tailor made to suit a person's education and learning needs. The website enables you to search educational activities by the curriculum content descriptors in order to find suitable activities. This is particularly useful for students with NEPs as it allows them to work at activities at their own pace as they are all readily available to them.

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